Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wrestling Lockup with Brandon: Night Of The Iron Women #NXT #NXTTakeOver

Night Of The Iron Women
By @B_Rock1978

NXT rolls back into their home base at Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida, for their next pay per view. On Wednesday night, October 7th, NXT will bring us Takeover: Respect, live on WWE Network. The main event of the show will be a first in wrestling history. NXT Women's Champion Bayley will defend her championship against "The Boss" Sasha Banks. Now what makes this a first is it won't be any normal match, in this match the NXT Women's Championship will be defended in a 30 minute Ironwoman Match! That's right an Ironwoman Match. The only way to win is to have more pinfalls, submissions, countouts or DQ victories than your opponent when the 30 minutes expire.

Doing my research on this monumental match, some are psyched for this match and surprisingly a lot think that this match will stink up Full Sail.

*** The Positive Thinkers ***
Cause Stone Cold Said So: I'm going to start out with one man that commented about this match and his opinion's go a long way in this business, I'm talking about "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Austin went on record on his recent podcast and supported this match 100%. Austin stated that going back and watching Bayley and Sasha's NXT Women's Championship Match at Takeover: Brooklyn, both ladies worked the match fifty fifty. Neither carried the other, both ladies, he felt were damn good in their performance and both held their own perfectly. Austin stated that he doesn't understand how anyone could doubt either of these ladies because they both are on top of their game right now. Austin did however state that the emotion that we seen in the Takeover: Brooklyn match might not be the same in the Ironwoman Match, but it should still be a great match.

It's All About The Main Event: Many are excited and some were in disbelief to see that the ladies would be main eventing in such a high profile match. This is NXT's chance to let the ladies have an amazing match, give other ladies in NXT a shot at main eventing one day, open up bigger storylines for the ladies and prove that a ladies match of this caliber can conquer and profit. Some fans feel that the ladies should main event more and that this is something that is long overdue in the wrestling business.

Proving Their Titles Mean Something: When was the last time you felt a WWE Title of any kind ment something in wrestling? I don't remember either. With Triple H running things at NXT, he's proven that the age of titles meaning something aren't dead. With NXT taking the chance with the ladies defending the NXT Women's Championship in the main event, it's showing that the title has meaning and isn't just a prop around the waist. If Triple H is willing to put the NXT Women's Championship in the main event, than this is serious. With WWE's track record with the Divas Championship, it'll be a cold day in hell before that title ever main events a pay per view in WWE.

*** The Negative Nancy's ***
I was quite surprised honestly by all of the negative remarks and opinions I seen about this match. Some stated there was no way in hell they were watching a 30 minute match between these two ladies and would rather watch the NFL. (Friendly Note: The event is on a Wednesday, good luck finding an NFL game on).

The Iron Man Gimmick: Many fans, I've researched, are actually not that big of fans of the Ironman Match. It's hard to bring emotion, excitement, and drama to the ending of an Ironman match, so they say. If anything, the correct timing needs to be down in order to make the ending perfect. Who remembers Triple H vs. The Rock's Ironman Match? Total cluster at the end. Ironman Matches can and will hit or miss, probably why we don't see many of them. The whole timing of the match needs to be spaced out as well. You don't want to hit all your big moves early and then have 25 minutes of nothing. You also don't want to have 20 minutes of headlocks and wristlocks either, it'll bore the fans. Many feel it's a hell of a lot easier to put on a 30+ minute match without advertising it as a 30+ minute match. Which makes sense cause you're not having to space out everything and worrying about proper timing of the match, you're going out there and just doing your thing.

Bayley/Sasha/Ironwoman: A lot of fans think that Bayley and Sasha won't top their first match at Takeover: Brooklyn. With it being Ironwoman rules, many feel it won't come through with emotion, excitement and a great story. Some feel this will be a good match, but not a classic like their Takeover: Brooklyn match. Some think that Bayley can't go thirty minutes and will bring down the match, how this came about I don't know. These two competing in an Ironwoman match doesn't mean it'll be a bad match, I'm certain it'll be good. If Triple H didn't have faith in Bayley and Sasha, I doubt he would be taking this chance, considering how much he loves his baby....NXT.

All Bark, No Bite: Many fans feel that with this match taking place at Full Sail University, it's not going to have the same loud atmosphere that we seen at the Barclays Center for Takeover: Brooklyn. Some fans feel that all matches are worse in the second go round. Which can be easily argued, considering there have been matches in the past that have been just as good if not better than the first match. Some fans feel that this match will be a let down. All this hype and it falls flat. Fans are happy to see Bayley and Sasha working together, but some feel we're getting too excited about a match like this.

In all honesty, we need to sit back, relax and enjoy what NXT gives us on October 7th. Triple H has had a perfect track record while running NXT and I feel he'll not disappoint us at all. People need to not expect a match that will stand out and be completely different than the Takeover: Brooklyn match. People need to just embrace this special event and be thankful that we have something that will take our minds off of the WWE rollercoaster for a couple hours.

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